Tuesday 4 September 2012

Work in Progress.

First attempt at something large with a Wacom tablet, Actually having a lot of fun drawing with this new tool. Though it is VERY time consuming.

First Year: #7

Some results from my night photography:

I took this photo from my roof looking down at my clothes line. I got my brother to light the sparklers i had attached to it and spin it around, i only got 1 photo before the sparklers ran out, luckily i was happy with the result.
Using slow shutter speeds in Civic.

Sparklers in my backyard.

More sparklers.

Creating a sort of explosion effect with Sparklers and photoshop colour.

And again.
This week i have finished my Photography assignment for Enzo. I am very happy with my results and it was hard narrowing it down to 6 images from the 23 good ones i had. I learnt a lot about this style of photography and i will definitely use it again. It was fun and easy to do once i got the hang of it, and was very effective.

Here is my Final logo and type for my Wanderfest event. I will also put up a gig poster i made for the website content.

Random - Surrealism

I have been looking at a lot of old surrealism lately, i even got a book about surrealism artists from the ANU school of arts library. One of my favorite artists in the book is Belgium man Magritte. He has affected many artists and still does to this day. No one asks if his work is art, they just look and smile, which i think is why he is so interesting. The public love the man. Next to Dali his work may be the next most recognizable of any surrealist. It expresses his sense of humor and intelligence that has brought him this attention. This kind of work is inspiring to me because of how crazy the thinking is. I feel that the more outlandish you think out of the box the more people are going to notice your work.

Tuesday 28 August 2012

First Year: #6

Original logo i did for the Canberra band "Here's To Hoping"
This week i started making a muck up of my event website with the artist line-up, i have also created my final logo and type after a survey i did and got the right results i wanted.

Last night i created my first band logo ever for a Canberra band called Here's To Hoping and i did what they asked and tried to incorporate the Illuminati eye in the design and they were really impressed with the result.

This week i will be targeting light photography and going out to take some shots, i had some ideas of attaching some sparklers to some bike wheels and riding around at night.

Beginning phases of the web design for the "event"

Saturday 25 August 2012

First Year: #5

This week i went to an art forum over at the ANU school of art. A well known australian artist named Ben Quilty came to talk to the students about his style of painting, inspiration and just about his background. When he was 18 he was sent over to Afghanistan with the soldiers as a war artist and heard many horrific stories from the soldiers, which inspired him to paint. The forum was very interesting and quite different for me as i don't usually go to those types of things. Here is some of his paintings:

Ben Quilty's - "Margaret Olley" Won the Archibald prize in 2011

Ben Quilty in front of one of his many many paintings

I have been working on my new assignment for Enzo this week to do with photography, i have been researching a lot of styles and have decided that i will be doing some night photography with a slow shutter speed for my style choice. I want to aim for something that turns out kind of like light painting, these are some images i want it to look like.

Friday 24 August 2012

Quote - Tim Burton

“One person's crazyness is another person's reality.” 

First Year: #4

This week i have been researching and doing a lot of photoshop tutorials for Enzo's image capture class assignment. I have been through a lot of tutorials on different stylized lettering, advanced photo enhancements, textures and even building objects from scratch. I will attach some images of some of my final results. I have also been doing work for Karen's hotel assignment which i think is going to be really fun, i've decided to create a completely eco-friendly hotel that is basically fully made out of recycled materials. I have also been continually working on Steve's "event" assignment. which i am creating a 3 day heavy music festival called "Wanderfest" in Byron Bay.

Turning any image into a "comic book effect"
Turning any image into a "money note effect"
Star Wars lettering

Tuesday 21 August 2012

First Year: #3

This week as a side project from school i have been working on digital painting and illustration with a tablet, i have picked it up pretty fast and i am really enjoying the feel of it. I think there is massive potential in the tablet for me to create some great things, ill attach a couple of photos of some things ive started working on. One is a concept i whipped up quickly just as a rough draft and the other is a little project i started working on thats called "Demon Dog". I have been researching a lot of illustrators this week and they have all truly inspired me to work towards these detailed illustrations. Some of the artists that have influenced me are, Felix LaFlame, Dan Mumford, and MindKillerInk. I have some ideas in mind for my event i will be creating but the ideas are all up in the air at the moment!

Video: Felix Laflamme - Timelapse

Felix Laflamme has truly inspired me this week. I have just started using a wacom tablet that i borrowed from the school, i hope to one day be able to illustrate in this style.

First Year: #2

This is an original piece of art i have created more or less in the same style of Jordan Buckley. I created similar features like his style by primarily using his routine drawing techniques. I have used felt tip pens and numerous detailed lines throughout the composition as seen in Jordan’s works. The image is a stylized rhino with a swirling linear pattern emerging from the mouth. For this piece I wanted to expand my imagination and think outside the box as Jordan does, creating a surreal dreamlike image. I have used a simple black felt pen on white paper as is seen in most of Jordan’s art. When analyzing the image, you can clearly see that there is more intricate detail on the right side than there is on the left, creating dominant and sub-dominant areas. Looking at Jordan’s images you will notice there are detailed aspects within an image as well as simpler areas that have been less worked. Looking at the gestalt principles, similarity is easily seen as the lines are small and fine throughout the image. This also brings a sense of unity and coherence to the work. Proximity is also a big part of the composition as all the various parts of the image are not only close together but are actually linked. Positioning the rhino on the left hand side and the swirled pattern directly parallel on the right creates a strong sense of balance and harmony within the composition. This is because your eye isn’t focused on one particular part of the image; it flows from left to right smoothly producing a balanced viewing pathway.

Quote - Salvador Dali

Those who do not want to imitate anything, produce nothing.

First Year: #1

Jordan Buckley. The guitarist of the famous hardcore band Every Time I Die. An artist and husband. The biggest inspiration in my life. Why? Because his artwork and music are both amazing. I have loved and followed his art and band as they progressed over the years of my childhood. I have seen ETID 3 times and they have stage presence like no other, the feedback from the crowd is phenomenal. At most festivals they play at Jordan also has a merch tent set up. He runs his own merchandise line with original hand drawn work. Most of Jordan’s artwork is very detailed line art he has drawn with felt tip markers on water colour paper. You can view more of his insane work at www.jbww.com

Video: Every Time I Die - Wanderlust

Song: “Wanderlust”
Artist: “Every Time I Die”
Album: “New Junk Aesthetic”
This video features Jordan Buckleys band with his artwork throughout it.