Tuesday 21 August 2012

First Year: #2

This is an original piece of art i have created more or less in the same style of Jordan Buckley. I created similar features like his style by primarily using his routine drawing techniques. I have used felt tip pens and numerous detailed lines throughout the composition as seen in Jordan’s works. The image is a stylized rhino with a swirling linear pattern emerging from the mouth. For this piece I wanted to expand my imagination and think outside the box as Jordan does, creating a surreal dreamlike image. I have used a simple black felt pen on white paper as is seen in most of Jordan’s art. When analyzing the image, you can clearly see that there is more intricate detail on the right side than there is on the left, creating dominant and sub-dominant areas. Looking at Jordan’s images you will notice there are detailed aspects within an image as well as simpler areas that have been less worked. Looking at the gestalt principles, similarity is easily seen as the lines are small and fine throughout the image. This also brings a sense of unity and coherence to the work. Proximity is also a big part of the composition as all the various parts of the image are not only close together but are actually linked. Positioning the rhino on the left hand side and the swirled pattern directly parallel on the right creates a strong sense of balance and harmony within the composition. This is because your eye isn’t focused on one particular part of the image; it flows from left to right smoothly producing a balanced viewing pathway.

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