Monday 8 April 2013

Second Year: #2

This year we have been teamed up with some MIC music students from CIT, so we can design them a music identity for their music. I have been teamed up with Josh who plays guitar in a progressive-rock band, much influenced by Opeth and Tool. From all the information i coudl get from him I sort of start to envision what look on his CD and band logo he was going for. He wanted something mysterious, dark, heading toward the band Tools wacky artwork. We were asked to make a mood board consisting of a heap of photos we found on the internet to try and build a mood for the identity of his band. He was pretty happy with the direction and feel I had enforced in my collaboration of images. This was the final mood board:

You can click on any image to enlarge it

I started experimenting with heaps of different blending modes and shapes because creating some weird designs that he was after was basically all about experimenting and testing and trying to find something that couldn't really be drawn on paper. and this is where the start of it has led me so far:

You can click on any image to enlarge it

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