Monday 8 April 2013

First Year: #8

Not gonna lie, it has been a while since I posted in this blog, but I have a LOT to post, so i'll be caught up in no time! Here we go! My excuse is that I have been busy doing all of this work I'm about to show you! haha

Okay First of all during the holidays I worked on a few little things for some friends in local bands/booking agencies.
 This first one was for a small Canberra based band booking agency, and was very happy with the final logo, it looks great on posters.
 This was some EP artwork I did for a small Canberra hardcore band, they weren't to happy with the design in the end as it didn't suit the music, but they didn't give me much information to work with including no music or anything so it was a bit hard.
This is the poster for my bands first run of shows we did this year, the band was happy with it and I myself was happy with how it turned out too.

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